Welcome to Green Actions!

Global warming is having the singular most destructive impact on our lives and our environment. The circumpolar wide Green Actions Network is an educational platform that engages and empowers primary and middle school pupils (6 – 16 years old) towards environmental consciousness and sustainability through innovative methods. We are including the “A” into STEM—“STEAM: Science Technology, Engineering, ARTS, and Math”. Green Actions will be the first Nordic-Baltic-Canadian-USA project focused upon the holistic co-designed/collaborative development of the arts (visual arts, dance, music, media/journalism) and environmental studies towards interdisciplinary curricula / pedagogical teaching methods for elementary/primary and middle school level environmental education. This project is initiated by the Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences/TUAS, Turku, Finland. Finland is a global leader in education and clean energy: innovative renewable energy systems, biomass waste energy technology, solar, wind, hydro, etc.

NORDPLUS CEE Network Gathering February 27 - March 3, 2018

Click here for the schedule